3 thoughts on “Whirlpool 8519716 Small Items Bag for Dishwasher”

  1. PIECE OF OVERPRICED GARBAGE — but you’re stuck if you need it Cheap as cheap comes. This thing falls apart in no time — 4th one I’ve bought in 4 years. Why? Because it holds certain things that can’t be held anywhere else in the dishwasher. But the price is RIDICULOUS and the quality is CRAP. $33 and it can’t last a year? Let’s face it, this thing is a piece of molded plastic — max cost to produce is about 2 to 3 bucks and they’re charging over $30! You want to charge me ridiculous prices, give me a product that lasts longer than a soap bubble…

  2. Perfect replacement for my KitchenAid dishwasher This was an excellent replacement for the small items bag that came with my KitchenAid dishwasher. When we use the dishwasher, we always use the sanitize feature, which creates a great deal of heat inside the body of the unit. Over time, the bottom of the small items bag becomes brittle as a result of the exposure to heat, and it crumbles. This is the second time I’ve replaced the bag. It only occurred to me after ordering this replacement that we should remove the bag from the dishwasher…

  3. The bag itself does the trick and is handy for holding small items like others have mentioned This will be our third bag replacement. The bag itself does the trick and is handy for holding small items like others have mentioned, but do not expect it to last a long time. The downfall is the quality and the price. When you start to see it coming apart, its best to get rid of it ASAP and get another one if you desire, as the pieces will continue to fall off and will fall inside your dishwasher bottom. The only reason I am replacing it, is for the convienece of having it, not for the…

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